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How to Create Eye-Catching Back-to-School Display Ads for Parents on the Go

ThePubverse Team | July 16, 2024

The Back-to-School season presents a prime opportunity for advertisers to engage with busy parents across the MENA region. As schools gear up for a new academic year, parents are actively seeking the best products and deals for their children. This time of year is marked by high levels of online activity and consumer spending, making it an ideal moment for publishers and advertisers to craft effective display ads. By understanding the daily routines of parents and utilizing strategic touchpoints throughout their day, you can create display ads that capture attention and drive action. 

Understanding the Back-to-School Advertising Opportunity 

In the MENA region, the Back-to-School season is not just a shopping period; it is a time of year when parents are highly engaged in finding the best products and services for their children’s education. This season provides a unique opportunity for advertisers to reach out to parents who are actively making purchasing decisions. The rise of digital platforms has made it easier than ever to connect with this audience through well-targeted display ads. As parents search for deals, research products, and plan for the new school year, there are multiple touchpoints where your ads can make a significant impact. 

Opportunities for Publishers 

  • High Engagement: Parents are more active online as they prepare for the new school year, presenting a prime time for ad placements.
  • Increased Spending: Families are likely to spend on school supplies, clothing, and other educational products, creating a lucrative market for advertisers.
  • Digital Growth: The MENA region’s growing internet penetration and social media usage offer new avenues for reaching parents.
  • Seasonal Demand: The Back-to-School season drives seasonal demand for educational products and services, which can be leveraged through targeted advertising.
  • Competitive Advantage: Effective display ads can help your brand stand out amidst the competition during this high-stakes shopping period. 

Key Touchpoints for Reaching Parents During the Day 

To maximize the effectiveness of your Back-to-School display ads, it is crucial to target parents at various touchpoints throughout their day. Each part of the day presents a different opportunity for advertisers to engage with parents, whether they are starting their day, commuting to work, or winding down in the evening. By aligning your ads with these touchpoints, you can ensure that your message reaches parents when they are most receptive to your offers. 

Around 5:45 AM – Wake Up Time 

  1. Opportunity: Parents often start their day by checking social media or news websites. 
  2. Strategy: Create visually appealing and engaging ads that capture attention during this early morning routine. Parents are likely to see ads on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Use vibrant colors and eye-catching graphics 
  • Include a clear, compelling call-to-action 
  • Highlight special offers or promotions 
  1. Ad Example: “Start the School Year Right! Check Out Our Latest Back-to-School Offers!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Offer Early Bird Discounts: Incentivize parents to act fast with limited-time offers 
  • Promote New Arrivals: Showcase new products that might appeal to parents 

Around 7:30 AM – Drop Off at School 

  1. Opportunity: Many parents use school apps or visit school-related websites during school drop-off. 
  2. Strategy: Place display ads on these platforms to catch parents as they manage their children’s school routines. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Keep the ad design simple and straightforward 
  • Focus on time-sensitive promotions or important reminders 
  • Use concise, impactful messaging 
  1. Ad Example: “Top Picks for School Supplies – Shop Now!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Highlight Back-to-School Essentials: Feature must-have school supplies and gear 
  • Offer Convenience: Emphasize easy online shopping options 

Around 7:45 AM – On the Way to Work 

  1. Opportunity: Parents may check traffic or weather apps during their commute. 
  2. Strategy: Use mobile display ads to reach parents as they prepare for their workday. Mobile ads should be designed for quick engagement. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Make ads mobile-friendly with fast-loading content 
  • Include a strong call-to-action and highlight immediate benefits 
  • Keep the message concise and to the point 
  1. Ad Example: “Limited Time Back-to-School Sale – Don’t Miss Out!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Promote Flash Sales: Create urgency with limited-time offers 
  • Emphasize Convenience: Feature quick, easy shopping options 

Around 8:30 AM – At Work 

  1. Opportunity: Parents check email or visit news websites during work hours. 
  2. Strategy: Place display ads on news sites and in email newsletters. These ads should be visually striking and deliver clear, relevant content. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Use engaging visuals and compelling headlines 
  • Offer valuable promotions or updates about Back-to-School products 
  • Ensure ads are visually appealing and easy to read 
  1. Ad Example: “Exclusive Discounts for Back-to-School – Shop Now!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Feature Special Offers: Highlight exclusive deals and discounts 
  • Create Engaging Content: Share useful tips or product reviews 

Around 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM – Online Research and Content Consumption 

  1. Opportunity: Parents continue to browse online for information, products, and deals. 
  2. Strategy: Serve display ads on various online platforms including news sites, social media, and search engines. Use these opportunities to re-engage with potential customers. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Utilize engaging visuals and clear messaging 
  • Retarget users with personalized ads based on their previous searches 
  • Offer promotions or new product updates 
  1. Ad Example: “Get Everything You Need for the New School Year!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Highlight Product Reviews: Feature positive customer reviews 
  • Promote Limited-Time Offers: Emphasize the urgency of current deals 

Around Lunch Break – Quick Online Shopping and Social Media 

  1. Opportunity: During lunch, parents might check social media or do quick online shopping. 
  2. Strategy: Use engaging ads that offer deals or promotions and provide direct links for quick purchases. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Use appealing images and clear, actionable calls-to-action 
  • Offer easy online shopping options 
  • Highlight limited-time offers to encourage immediate action 
  1. Ad Example: “Back-to-School Gear Sale – Check Out Our Best Deals!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Feature Flash Sales: Promote time-sensitive sales 
  • Highlight Best Sellers: Showcase popular Back-to-School products 

Around 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM – Continued Online Activity 

  1. Opportunity: Parents continue online activities and research products or services. 
  2. Strategy: Serve display ads on social media, content platforms, and search engines. Utilize retargeting to reach parents who have previously interacted with your ads. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Focus on dynamic content and engaging visuals 
  • Use retargeting ads to reconnect with previous visitors 
  • Highlight upcoming deals or special offers 
  1. Ad Example: “Amazing Back-to-School Promotions Just for You!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Retarget Visitors: Use ads to bring back previous site visitors 
  • Promote Upcoming Events: Share information about future sales or events 

Also read: Unlocking Revenue Growth in 2024 with Brilliant Programmatic Monetization Strategies 

Around 5:00 PM – Before Leaving Work 

  1. Opportunity: Parents check traffic or weather apps before heading home. 
  2. Strategy: Use mobile display ads to capture attention as they prepare for their evening routines. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Ensure ads are mobile-optimized and load quickly 
  • Emphasize urgent promotions or reminders 
  • Include easy-to-click links for immediate access 
  1. Ad Example: “Hurry! Back-to-School Sale Ends Soon!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Promote Last-Minute Deals: Emphasize time-limited offers 
  • Highlight Special Offers: Focus on deals that are about to expire 

Around 6:30 PM – Pick Up Kids from School or Sports Practice 

  1. Opportunity: Parents might see billboards and browse mobile apps. 
  2. Strategy: Use a combination of outdoor advertising like billboards and mobile display ads to reach parents during school pickups or sports practices. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Use visually striking billboards with concise messaging 
  • Ensure mobile ads are engaging and easy to navigate 
  • Highlight special offers and promotions 
  1. Ad Example: “Check Out Our Back-to-School Offers Today!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Combine Billboard Ads with Mobile Ads: Reinforce your message through multiple channels 
  • Highlight Time-Limited Offers: Create urgency with special deals 

Around 9:30 PM – After Kids Are in Bed 

  1. Opportunity: Parents relax and check emails, browse the web, or watch TV. 
  2. Strategy: Use display ads on news sites, social media platforms, and during TV ad breaks. Offer engaging content and last-chance promotions. 
  3. Design Tips: 
  • Use creative and attention-grabbing ad formats 
  • Provide engaging content that invites clicks 
  • Offer last-minute deals or reminders 
  1. Ad Example: “Last Chance for Back-to-School Deals – Shop Now!” 
  2. Additional Ideas: 
  • Offer Last-Minute Discounts: Promote end-of-season deals 
  • Highlight New Products: Feature new Back-to-School items 


Benefits of Display Advertising During the Back-to-School Season 

Display advertising during the Back-to-School season offers numerous advantages for reaching busy parents. Here are the top ten benefits, with a focus on why this period is especially ripe for display advertising and how you can leverage it to achieve your marketing goals. 

1. Increased Visibility
Display ads help increase brand visibility as parents engage in Back-to-School shopping. During this busy time, parents are actively searching for products and services, making it an excellent opportunity to get your brand in front of them. By being present across various digital platforms, your brand can remain top-of-mind for parents making purchasing decisions.

How to Achieve This 

  • Leverage High-Traffic Platforms: Use popular websites and social media channels where parents are most active. 
  • Create Eye-Catching Ads: Employ bright colors and bold graphics to grab attention. 
  • Consistent Messaging: Maintain a consistent brand message across different platforms to reinforce recognition.

2. Targeted Reach
Display advertising allows for precise targeting of specific demographics. You can tailor your ads to reach parents based on factors such as location, interests, and online behavior. This targeted approach ensures that your ads are seen by those who are most likely to be interested in your Back-to-School products and services.

How to Achieve This 

  • Use Demographic Targeting: Focus on parents with children in school. 
  • Geo-Targeting: Reach parents in specific cities or regions within the MENA area. 
  • Behavioral Targeting: Target users based on their online activities related to Back-to-School shopping.

3. High Engagement Potential
Display ads are designed to be visually engaging and can lead to higher levels of interaction from parents. By creating compelling ads with strong calls-to-action, you can drive parents to visit your website, make a purchase, or sign up for offers.

How to Achieve This 

  • Design Engaging Ads: Use interactive elements like clickable banners and eye-catching visuals. 
  • Strong CTAs: Include clear calls-to-action that encourage parents to take immediate steps. 
  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad designs to see which performs best.

4. Cost-Effective Advertising
Display advertising is a cost-effective way to reach a broad audience. Compared to traditional forms of advertising like TV or print media, display ads offer lower costs and the ability to reach a large number of people within a specific budget.

How to Achieve This 

  • Optimize Ad Spend: Use cost-per-impression or cost-per-click models to manage your budget. 
  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific objectives for your ad campaigns to measure cost-effectiveness. 
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously track ad performance and adjust your strategy as needed.

5. Multi-Device Presence
Display ads can reach parents across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This multi-device approach ensures that your ads are seen regardless of the device parents use throughout their day.

How to Achieve This 

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your ads are optimized for different screen sizes and devices. 
  • Cross-Device Tracking: Use tools to track user interactions across devices. 
  • Consistent Experience: Provide a seamless experience from ad click to purchase.

6. Brand Recognition
Display advertising helps build and reinforce brand recognition. By maintaining a consistent presence through engaging ads, you can increase awareness and build trust among parents.

How to Achieve This 

  • Consistent Branding: Use consistent colors, logos, and messaging in all your ads. 
  • Frequent Exposure: Ensure regular ad placements to keep your brand in front of parents. 
  • Memorable Content: Create ads that are memorable and resonate with your target audience.

7. Real-Time Analytics
Display advertising offers real-time analytics, allowing you to track the performance of your ads and make data-driven decisions. This feature helps you understand what works and what doesn’t, enabling you to optimize your campaigns for better results.

How to Achieve This 

  • Track Key Metrics: Monitor metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversions. 
  • Analyze Data: Use analytics tools to interpret performance data. 
  • Optimize Campaigns: Adjust strategies based on real-time feedback.

8. High Return on Investment (ROI)
Effective display advertising can deliver a high return on investment through increased sales and leads. By focusing on well-targeted and engaging ads, you can achieve a strong ROI during the Back-to-School season.

How to Achieve This 

  • Measure ROI: Track conversions and sales generated from your ads. 
  • Focus on High-Performing Channels: Allocate budget to the most effective advertising channels. 
  • Optimize for ROI: Continuously refine your ad strategies to maximize returns.

9. Improved Conversion Rates
Display ads that are well-designed and targeted lead to higher conversion rates. By reaching parents at the right time with the right message, you can increase the likelihood of conversions.

How to Achieve This 

  • Design Targeted Ads: Create ads that address the specific needs and interests of parents. 
  • Retarget Visitors: Re-engage users who have previously interacted with your ads. 
  • Optimize Landing Pages: Ensure that your landing pages are optimized for conversions.

10. Opportunity for Creative Campaigns
Display advertising allows for creative freedom in developing visually appealing and engaging Back-to-School campaigns. This creative aspect can set your brand apart from competitors and capture the attention of busy parents.

How to Achieve This 

  • Experiment with Formats: Use different ad formats like banners, videos, and interactive ads. 
  • Be Creative: Develop unique and innovative ad concepts. 
  • Highlight Unique Selling Points: Showcase what makes your products or services stand out. 

Also read: A Publisher’s Blueprint for Success in the 2024 Holiday Season 

Creating eye-catching Back-to-School display ads for busy parents in the MENA region involves a deep understanding of their daily routines and leveraging strategic touchpoints throughout their day. By crafting engaging and visually appealing ads, you can capture the attention of parents during this high-engagement period. The Back-to-School season offers a range of opportunities for publishers to connect with parents and drive successful marketing campaigns. 

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